Terms of the programme

The partner program of HilVil Veliko Tarnovo offers its partners special promo codes.

Promo codes are personalized and provide a percentage discount to your audience. This provides you with a great opportunity to not only earn, in the form of commission, but also give back real value to all your followers.

The percentage discount for the end customer can be 5% or 10%, whereby you receive 10% commission or 5% commission respectively on every sale made through our online store.

To apply your personalised promo code to your profile, you need to contact us on one of our communication channels - Instagram, email address, phone number - to inform us of the percentage discount you wish to provide to your followers.

Then, from the "Settings" section, you need to enter all your data required to conclude our distance contract. Please familiarize yourself in detail with the "General Terms and Conditions of the affiliate program of HillVil Veliko Tarnovo Ltd", the "Affiliate Program Agreement" as well as your obligations under the same.

To receive your commission payment you need to request payment from the "Payments" section. After receiving a withdrawal request from the platform, we will transfer the remuneration by bank transfer within 14 working days. The remuneration is subject to taxation under Bulgarian law and will be paid in the amount due, after deduction of taxes and fees due.

To build a sustainable, high-quality partnership, you need to use our brand identity resources - including: logo, colors, font (when possible), elements, and more. You can access these here





Art. 1. These General Terms and Conditions are intended to regulate the relations between "HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO" Ltd., with UIC 205040096, registered office and address of management. Veliko Tarnovo, ul. "4, represented by Galya Alexandrova Stefanova, hereinafter referred to as HIL VIL / OWNER , and all natural and legal persons who advertise the activities of HIL VIL through their own channels on social networks, hereinafter referred to as Affiliate PARTNERS OR ONLY PARTNERS.


Art. 2. The following definitions shall have the following meanings:

2.1. THOUSAND FORK / OWNER is "HIL VELIKO TURNOVO" Ltd, with UIC 205040096, registered office and address of management. Veliko Tarnovo, ul. "4 Magistralna Street, represented by Galya Alexandrova Stefanova 

2.2. PLATFORM is an internet site , owned and administered by HILL VIL, which site is a trading platform through which buyers individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to place orders and book services offered by the OWNER.

2.3. AFFILIATE PARTNER is any natural or legal person who maintains, administers and develops their own channels on various social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) and wishes to advertise the activities of HIL VIL for a fee.

2.4. CLIENT is any natural or legal person who uses the PLATFORM in order to purchase the services offered by HILL VIL.


Art. 3. (1) In order to benefit from this Affiliate Program, the PARTNER shall apply for registration through an account that is created for the purpose of using the PLATFORM. Any natural or legal person who maintains, administers and develops its own channels in different social networks and has a registered profile in the PLATFORM is eligible to apply and participate in the affiliate program. In the event that the applicant is a minor but is at least 16 years of age, the applicant must provide HILL VIL with a completed and signed declaration of consent from a parent or guardian. Persons who are directly or indirectly related to HIL VIL, including persons employed under an employment contract with HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd., are not eligible to apply or participate.

(2) The PARTNER shall provide HILL VIL with the following data in the application form and undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data and to update it promptly in case of change.

  • first and last name - required field
  • phone and email address - required field
  • Social networks, blogs, etc. - mandatory field
  • Note - optional field

(3) After the pop by submitting the information referred to in paragraph 2 above, the PARTNER confirms the data provided and agrees to these Terms and Conditions by clicking on the "SUBMIT" button.

(4) Upon review by HILL VILL of the submitted application, OWNER shall contact the Affiliate PARTNER in the event that the Affiliate PARTNER is approved for the Program and provide the Affiliate PARTNER with a unique link and/or promo code through which the Affiliate PARTNER may refer CLIENTS to the PLATFORM for the purchase of services.

(5) In case the PARTNER does not meet the registration criteria, HILL VILL does not approve it and accordingly the PARTNER is not admitted to the affiliate program.

(6) Approval or denial of registration shall be the exclusive right of the OWNER and HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LLC may unilaterally, according to its own criteria, approve or deny registration of the Affiliate.

(1) By submitting his/her application for participation, the PARTNER confirms and agrees to these General Terms and Conditions and to the rights and obligations arising for him/her and for HIL VIL. As a consequence of these General Terms and Conditions, the PARTNER declares that he/she is aware of these General Terms and Conditions, agrees to their contents and unconditionally undertakes to comply with them.

(2) In the event that the PARTNER is approved for the Affiliate Program, the OWNER shall send via electronic mail (email) an automated email with an Affiliate Program Participation Agreement to be signed by the parties. The contract may be signed by handwritten signature and scanned or by electronic signature and should be sent back to the OWNER. A copy of the signed contract will be sent to the PARTNER. The email where the contract file is attached will outline all necessary steps for the contract to be executed and become effective.

(3) In the event that the PARTNER is approved for the Affiliate Program, the PARTNER shall sign the agreement sent by the OWNER, which shall include the commission payment details under these Terms and Conditions.

(4) By signing the contract for participation in the affiliate program, the PARTNER agrees to these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the signed contract, as well as the personal data security policy used by the OWNER.


Article 5. (1) In case the PARTNER is approved for the affiliate program, HILL VIL shall provide the PARTNER with a unique link and/or promotional code through which the PARTNER may refer individuals and entities to the PLATFORM for the purpose of purchasing services. 

(2) The PARTNER is obliged to promote and disseminate the received unique link through the following means: email marketing, publications, videos and comments in social networks, promotion of physical events, blogs, websites, etc., through which it should generate sales of services offered by HILL VIL in the PLATFORM.

(3) A PARTNER may also participate in the affiliate program and be sent only unique promo codes or only an affiliate identification number to be attached to specially generated personalized URLs that PARTNERS may also generate independently.

(4) PARTNERS may also participate in the Affiliate Program by using promo codes and unique identification codes to attract customers to visit the PLATFORM. 

Art. 6. The PARTNER is not allowed to place orders from the PLATFORM for its own needs or for the needs of its affiliated natural and legal persons using the unique link provided to it.

Art. 7. The Partner:

7.1. undertakes to actively solicit participants for the OWNER in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions and applicable law.

7.2. undertakes to actively promote all services offered by HIL VIL in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions and applicable law.

7.3. may participate in the program by providing easy access to the OWNER's online PLATFORM and advertising the promo codes provided to the OWNER and perform other necessary actions to actively attract potential customers.

7.4. shall protect the trade secrets of the OWNER, which shall be all data circumstances that have come to its knowledge in connection with the performance of this contract or have been entrusted to it by the OWNER, including after the performance of this contract or its termination, except where the communication of the trade information is necessary for the performance of this contract.

7.5. undertakes to provide his/her own workplace (office) and consumable expenses for his/her activities.

Art.8. The PARTNER shall have the following obligations:

8.1. keep up to date its contact details at which the OWNER can contact it - telephone number, email address, etc.

8.2. to keep its social media accounts, its own website and the like up to date and active during the performance of this Contract. In the event that the PARTNER decides to temporarily suspend its channels of access to the interested audience, it shall notify the OWNER thereof for the period of suspension. 

8.3. not to publish other affiliate links and promotional codes offering other similar services in the same advertising campaign as in the next one within a period of 1 month from each advertising campaign implemented, without the knowledge of the OWNER. In the event that this obligation is not fulfilled, the OWNER shall be entitled to immediately terminate this contract and receive as compensation the amount of the commission fees accumulated in the last month.

8.4. to inform himself about the nature of the services offered by him, which he advertises through the promotional code and/or unique link sent to him, ensuring his commitment to the services offered and promptly informing himself about any changes in their terms.

8.5. when advertising the promotional code to indicate that there is a promotional price (price with a certain percentage discount) from the listed on the website of "HIL VELIKO TURNOVO" Ltd.

8.6. not to use the unique promo code for his own online sales he makes on the website of HIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd..

Art. 9. (1) The Affiliate PARTNER agrees that when advertising the services of HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD on the Site, the content of the advertising video, material or similar shall not contain data, material or information that violates the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. This includes, but is not limited to: material that incites violence or discrimination; material protected by copyright law; material that is threatening or obscene; material that is intended only for persons 18 years of age or older; material protected as a trade secret or with any other status restricting its public dissemination.

(2) The PARTNER accepts, it is an independent contractor, and not an employee of the company.

Art. 10. The PARTNER shall have the right:

10.1. to receive the agreed commission remuneration within the agreed period and in the agreed amount;

10.2 receive information about the contract and its phased execution and other materials and information necessary for the execution of this contract.

10.3. to receive his/her deductions in the agreed amount from each online sale made through his/her promo code or personalized URL on the website of HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd., and will be able to track his/her accumulated deductions in his/her personal affiliate profile at:

10.4. to use whatever means it deems appropriate to advertise its unique promotional code and customized URL on the website of HIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. in compliance with the provisions of this contract, the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the EU, including the Consumer Protection Act, the principles of fair competition and good morals.


Art. 11. (1) The PARTNER shall have no exclusive rights to represent the OWNER for any area of the contract.

(2) The PARTNER shall not be entitled to charge additional markups over the prices listed on

(3) The PARTNER shall not mislead its audience about the nature, specifics and conditions of the services offered by the OWNER.

(4) The PARTNER may not provide its own promo codes and personalized URL on the website of "HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO" Ltd. to third parties for the purpose of additional advertising, without the express knowledge and consent of the OWNER.

Art.12. The OWNER shall:

12.1. to provide the THE PARTNER the necessary promotional materials, information and automatic link generator through the affiliate platform for the services it offers for implementation.

12.2 to pay the agreed remuneration to the PARTNER when an online sale has been made and for which the PARTNER has made its request for payment. The payment shall be made to a bank account provided by the PARTNER on the basis of an expense order. Payment shall be made within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal request by the PARTNER. 

12.3. to provide the PARTNER with the necessary assistance in the performance of this Agreement, as well as for the realization of online sales of services;

12.4. to provide access to all necessary information concerning the services advertised by the OWNER in order to properly promote and reach clear, accurate and correct information to the interested audience and satisfaction of the OWNER's prospective customers. 

12.5. to provide a system of cookies for tracking users, which shall contain information for a period of 14 days from the moment of the initial entry of users to the OWNER's site through the personalized links of the PARTNER.

12.6. to maintain the Affiliate Partner's technical profile on the platform of HIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD, as well as its entire online sales platform for the services provided.

Art.13. OWNER has the right:

13.1 to receive information on the progress of this contract;

13.2 to carry out at any time a check on the implementation of this contract and revise the accurate performance of the obligations by the PARTNER.

13.3 to request the suspension of the distribution of the promotional code and/or links to the services offered by the OWNER provided to the PARTNER, in case the PARTNER does not comply with the provisions of this Agreement, the General Terms and Conditions or does not perform the obligations in accordance with good morals, the principles of fair competition and/or undermines the good name and reputation of the OWNER by its actions

Art.14. (1) The OWNER may change the terms of the services offered by it and/or their prices, for which change it is under no obligation to notify the PARTNER.

(2) The OWNER shall not be liable for the failure to make an online sale and/or the cancellation of such a sale resulting in the non-receipt of payment for the same, in the event that the reason for the cancellation is changes made by the OWNER of which the PARTNER was not made aware in a timely manner.

Art. 15. (1) HILL VIL is obliged to pay the PARTNER a commission for the sales successfully generated by the unique code in the PLATFORM. Only sales for which HILL VIL has received the due payment will be considered as successfully generated sales. A successfully generated sale, for which a commission payment will also be due to the PARTNER, will also be considered a sale that is made within 14 days of the CLIENT's first entry through the unique link sent to the PARTNER. The contribution to the sale is evidenced by the cookies used and the tracking of the logins.

(2) The actual commission percentage on sales successfully generated through the unique code, as well as the services to which it applies (respectively the exceptions), are detailed in the PLATFORM and the PARTNER has access to them through his account. The commission percentage indicated in the PLATFORM is always inclusive of VAT. The commission rate may be changed unilaterally and without notice by HILL VIL, at any time, and the same will vary depending on a number of factors such as time of year, campaign, holidays and weekends, etc., etc.

(3) In case the PARTNER is a legal entity, it shall issue a tax invoice to HIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. for each amount received by it under this Affiliate Program.

(4) HILL VILL will provide a report of successful sales made on the PLATFORM generated through the PARTNER's unique promo code and/or personalized links, which report will be available in the Affiliate PARTNER's profile on the PLATFORM. The report will be provided by HILL VIL once a month and will include all sales successfully made on the PLATFORM through the unique and/or personalized link for the past 30 days.

(5) Commission for the PARTNER will be charged within 14 days from the first visit of a CLIENT to the PLATFORM via a personalized link of the PARTNER (a cookie for a visit to the PLATFORM is valid for 14 days) and in case of, the CLIENT makes a successful purchase within these 14 days, unless the CLIENT follows a second unique link of another PARTNER - in which case the commission will be charged to the PARTNER whose unique link the CLIENT followed last.

(6) HIL VIL has the right to unilaterally terminate the PARTICIPANT's participation in this affiliate program in the event that it deems that the PARTICIPANT does not comply with these Terms and Conditions, provides false data and information about HIL VIL or its services, undermines the prestige of HIL VIL, disseminates immoral, obscene, low quality, illegal content, etc., disseminates confidential information. In the event of termination, HILL VILL is not obligated to notify the PARTNER. In the event of termination, HILL VILL shall suspend the validity of the unique promo code and/or personalized link of the PARTNER and shall cease commission payments to the PARTNER.


Art. 16. (1) For the work performed THE PARTNER shall be entitled to receive a commission for each sale made through the online shop as a result of its advertising activity, in the amount previously specified in the profile on the site to the PARTNER a percentage by bank transfer of the online sale made  

(2) The commission fees will be automatically charged and reported by the system of the OWNER's online store, which at the time of signing this contract is

(3) The commission received shall be subject to taxation under Bulgarian law and shall be paid in the amount due after deduction of taxes and fees.

(4) The commission due will be paid to the Partner by bank transfer to the bank account provided by the Partner.

(5) The commission fee is payable only upon receipt of a request for withdrawal of the relevant amount by the PARTNER, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

(6) Commission remuneration will also be due in the event that an online sale is made through the OWNER's website to a third party (user), if the latter has initially visited the platform of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD through the personalized link of the PARTNER and the sale is made within 14 days of the initial entry into the platform.


(1) The OWNER grants to the PARTNER a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the OWNER's trade name, trademarks, logos and any other designations in the manner expressly indicated by HILL VIL for the duration of the contract between the parties. 

(2) The PARTNER may not grant, assign and/or otherwise dispose of and/or transfer the rights granted to it. 

(3) The right granted to the PARTNER shall be limited and shall derive solely from the rights granted to the PARTNER under these General Terms and Conditions and the contract concluded between the parties. 

(4) OWNER shall not assert any claim of invalidity and/or unenforceability and/or challenge the ownership of OWNER's Marks and/or the rights granted to OWNER in any manner. 

(5) The PARTNER shall immediately notify the OWNER if it becomes aware that a third party is misusing the Marks. 



Art. 18. (1) The PARTNER undertakes not to damage the name of HIL VIL by his actions, not to defame and not to damage the prestige of HIL VIL, as well as not to state false and untrue facts and statements regarding the OWNER. In the event that the PARTNER, by its actions and/or omissions, violates its obligations under the preceding sentence, and in the event that it harms the rights and interests of HILL VIL, it shall be liable for compensation in the amount of the damages suffered, as well as for the return of the remuneration paid under this Affiliate Program.

(2) The PARTNER undertakes to fully comply with the applicable legislation in its activities. When promoting the unique promotional code and sharing the personalized link of the PLATFORM, the PARTNER acts entirely independently and assumes full responsibility for any damages caused to third parties due to the unlawful use of the information and advertising materials exposed by him or due to the possible illegality and illegality of the content of the same. The PARTNER acts independently in its activities and decides for itself the overall marketing strategy and creative concept. HILL VIL does not provide any guidance to the PARTNER on the manner in which it carries out the activities of distribution and advertising of the unique code and the PLATFORM, has no involvement in them, and has no involvement in advertising and marketing activities, and is not responsible for the content of advertising messages, including creative content, design, etc. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event of a breach of the Competition Protection Act resulting from the manner in which the PARTNER carries out its activities and obligations under this Affiliate Program, all liability for such breach shall be borne solely by the PARTNER.

(3) The PARTNER undertakes to settle its relations with the copyright holders of the materials it uses in its activities. In the event of copyright infringement with respect to the materials provided, the liability shall be borne entirely by the Affiliate PARTNER. In the event of liability of HILL VIL, in cases of copyright infringement by the PARTNER, the PARTNER shall indemnify the OWNER for all damages suffered, including the payment of all damages and payments reasonably claimed in connection with the infringed copyright, as well as the payment of all costs incurred in defending the rights and legitimate interests of HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. in this regard.

(4) The PARTNER undertakes not to disclose and to keep confidential any information received from HILL VIL. "Confidential Information" means any information disclosed to or received by the PARTNER that relates to the past, present or future business of the OWNER, including but not limited to - number and type of products sold, product pricing, information pursuant to the parties' rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the Affiliate Program Agreement entered into between the parties, advertising and marketing strategies, customers, partners, suppliers and any other information that could be deemed Confidential.

(5) The Affiliate PARTNER shall indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER from and against all legal actions and other claims by third parties (whether or not meritorious) for all damages and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with (1) the failure to perform any of the obligations under these Terms and Conditions, (2) the infringement of copyright and related rights or other intellectual or industrial property rights.

Art. 19. (1) HIL VIL shall not be held liable in case of force majeure, accidental events, Internet problems, technical or other objective reasons, including orders of the competent state authorities, leading to a malfunction in the unique code or to a lack of access to the PLATFORM.

(2) HILL VIL shall not be liable for damages caused by the PARTNER to third parties or to CLIENTS.

(3) HIL VIL shall not be liable in the event that the security measures of the technical equipment are overcome and this results in loss of information, dissemination of information, access to information, restriction of access to information and other similar consequences.

Art. 20. (1) For non-performance of the obligations arising from this contract and the statutory obligations, the non-defaulting party shall owe to the defaulting party compensation for the damages in an amount equal to the monetary equivalent of the damages.

(2) In the event that a third party testifies that he/she has been misled by the information in the advertising campaign implemented by the PARTNER, resulting in the cancellation and refusal of a booking, the Affiliate PARTNER shall pay compensation to the OWNER in the amount of 20% of the value of each cancelled and/or refused booking.

(3) The PARTNER owes to the OWNER compensation in the amount of 50 % of the commission payments made during the term of this contract and in the event that there is a damage to the good name of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. in the industry, for which the PARTNER's fault is proven beyond doubt. 

(4) The OWNER owes the PARTNER compensation in the event of delay in repayment of the commission fee after the same has become due in the amount of 0.5% for each day of delay. 


Art. 21. (1) "HIL VELIKO TURNOVO" Ltd. shall take measures to protect the personal data of the PARTNER in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The PARTNER agrees that the OWNER has the right to collect, store and process its personal data and the personal data of its representatives and employees in order to fulfil its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions and the Affiliate Program Participation Agreement concluded between the parties.

(2) At any time, HIL VIL has the right to require the PARTNER to identify himself and to certify the veracity of any of the circumstances and personal data declared at the time of registration. 


Art. 22. (1) These General Terms and Conditions may be amended unilaterally and without notice by HIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. Any supplementation and amendment of these General Terms and Conditions shall have immediate effect for all Affiliate Partners. In the event that the PARTNER does not agree with the amended General Terms and Conditions, the PARTNER shall have the right to discontinue working with the OWNER.

(2) This Affiliate Program and the application of these Terms and Conditions shall terminate for the parties in the following cases:

  • in the event of dissolution and liquidation or bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
  • in the event of objective impossibility of either party to the contract to perform its obligations;
  • In the event of a party's persistent failure to meet its obligations under the Affiliate Program
  • Upon termination of the Affiliate Program contract with one month's notice and/or by mutual agreement
  • in case of cancellation of the PARTNER's registration in the PLATFORM.

Art. 23. In the event of a conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the provisions of a special contract between the parties, the provisions of the special contract shall prevail.

Art. 24. The invalidity of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions shall not invalidate the entire contract.

Art. 25. Bulgarian civil and commercial law shall apply to any dispute concerning the existence and effect of these General Terms and Conditions or in connection with their breach, including disputes and disagreements concerning their validity, interpretation, termination, performance or non-performance, and the parties shall settle their relations by agreement. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent court for settlement.

Art. 26. These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on 01.06.2024.

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See "Terms and Conditions" here