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General conditions for renting a vehicle and providing an additional tourist service

General conditions for renting a vehicle and providing an additional tourist service




These General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. and its customers, and the rules set out below apply to and regulate the services of renting a car, renting a Jeep, renting an ATV, renting a Buggy, as well as any other type of motorized or non-motorized vehicle - hereinafter referred to as VEHICLE RENTAL, for the purpose of travelling on a tour organised by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. on a route constituting an additional tourist service, booked via the Website, by purchasing a voucher from operators of specialised platforms for the advertisement of leisure experiences or on the spot at the departure points advertised by the company, which are provided by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. and/or its partners.The Terms and Conditions constitute a contract between HIL VIL VELEKO TURNOVO Ltd and you as a user of the service.Read the Terms and Conditions before using the service. By completing a declaration of consent and vehicle rental agreement, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


HILL VILLE ВЕЛИКО TURNOVO LTD. is a commercial company registered under the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. The address of the company is. Veliko Tarnovo, ul. "BG62UNCR70001523216338, UniCredit Bulbank.


3.1. HILL VILLE ВЕЛИКО ТЪРNOVO EJUD  provides the services of renting a car, renting a Jeep, renting an ATV, renting a Buggy, as well as renting other motorized and non-motorized vehicles for passing through the organized by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. tour along a certain route, constituting an additional tourist service.
3.4 ATV/BUGGY rental- ATV class junior- ATV class touring- BUGGY class amateur- BUGGY class touring
3.5 OTHER RENTAL VEHICLES- Modified car Smart- Bus GAZ- Tractor YUMZ- Bicycles
As well as other vehicles owned by HillVil Veliko Tarnovo Ltd or their partners.

3.2 Online merchant3.2.1 HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO EOOD has its own online shop, which is available on the following website www.hillviewvt.com.3.2.2. When using the Internet services provided by HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD, users (customers) agree to the general terms and conditions for the use of the Internet shop WWW.HILLVIEWVT.COM , which are available and anyone can familiarize themselves with them.3..2.3 HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. shall provide an online shopping platform for the use of users, via its website www.hillviewvt.com, under the terms of a distance sales contract within the meaning of Article 45 et seq. of the Consumer Protection Act, exercising the powers granted to it under this contract. On its online platform, HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO provides the opportunity to purchase gift certificates for the provision of some of the services listed on the website. Users can choose from the provided payment options - by debit/credit card, by cash on delivery to the courier who delivered the purchased certificate, or on the spot at the company's office located in the city of B. Tarnovo, ul. "Magistralna" № 8, where you can pay for the purchased method by credit or debit card at a post office. Orders can only be placed by users who have accepted the general terms and conditions available on the aforementioned website, and registration on the website is not required to make the sale. The online services offered by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. are fully compliant with the Bulgarian legislation and the requirements of the European Union law on online trade.3.3 General situation, rights and obligations of the User3.3.1. A service user within the meaning of these general rules is the person who has concluded a contract for the rental of a vehicle provided by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD - RENTER3.3.2. Users of services provided by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. shall be persons over 18 years of age.3.3.3. If a minor takes part in the tour, an adult accompanying the minor must be present at all times and take full responsibility for the accompanying minor. The accompanying adult and minor must be named in a declaration signed by the parties.3.3.4. Users of the services provided by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. have the following rights:

  • The user of the service has the right to use the rented vehicle undisturbed, in full compliance with the established rules of the organizer of the service HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD, the general rules adopted by the company, the traffic rules and the norms of the Bulgarian legislation.
  • The user of the service shall be entitled to receive the service he has paid for, i.e. to be given temporary use of the vehicle concerned and to be given a ride on a specified route, in accordance with the provisions of the vehicle rental contract signed between the parties, for the period for which he has paid, except where important circumstances make it necessary to terminate the service early.
  • The user has the right to listen to and participate in a detailed briefing by the Organizer, a representative of the company providing the service or a person authorized by them on the proper use of the rented vehicle, safety measures, rules and obligations to be observed by all participants in the upcoming ride.
  • The user is entitled to receive all documents certifying the payment made by him, including invoices and cash vouchers
  • The user has the right to receive a copy of the rental contract signed between the parties, of the handover report signed at the conclusion of the rental contract, of the signed handover report certifying the technical condition of the rented vehicle.
  • The Hirer shall be entitled to request an official document for all expenses incurred by the Organiser relating to the repair and return of the vehicle concerned to a roadworthy condition in the event of any damage found to have been caused during the term of the signed hire agreement, including a document for the cost of any part replaced on the vehicle, a document for payment of the appropriate value for the manual labour required to repair the damage/damage caused to the vehicle.
  • The user has the right to prematurely terminate an organised tour in the event of unforeseen new circumstances of which he was not aware before its commencement. In this case, the user remains obliged to repay the full rental price for the originally specified period, unless the organizer determines otherwise or the termination of the tour is the fault of the organizer or his representative.
  • The user has the right to request an extension of the duration of the organized tour during the tour itself, in which case the rental period specified in the rental agreement signed between the parties, as well as the respective rental price, shall be automatically extended until the vehicle is returned to the facilities of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD.
  • The user of the service (renter under the rental contract) has the right to receive detailed information on the current technical condition of the rented vehicle before the start of the organized ride, as well as to personally inspect the vehicle. If there are hidden defects in the vehicle which cannot be detected during normal inspection, the user is also entitled to be informed about them.
  • The user has the right to request from the organizer additional safety equipment, special equipment, etc. for a certain fee according to the price list provided by the organizer.
  • The user has the right to get acquainted with all the documents to be signed by him/her when providing the service - declarations, contracts, general conditions, etc.

3.3.5. The users of the services provided by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. have the following obligations:

  • The user is obliged to pay in full the rental price specified in the rental contract / the price of the purchased voucher / service by bank transfer. Exceptionally, payment for the service is also made in cash upon signing the contract.
  • The user is obliged to strictly observe the general rules for the provision of the service, the provisions of the signed rental contract, the safety rules during the tours, the instructions given during the tour by the designated by the organizer escort, the norms for proper and safe movement, the instructions and recommendations given during the preliminary briefing, as well as the norms of Bulgarian law.
  • The user is obliged to use the protective and safety equipment provided by the Organizer, to wear the provided protective equipment.
  • The user is obliged to take good care during the rental contract and to return the vehicle at the end of the contract in the same condition and with the same equipment as before the start of the tour.
  • The user is obliged to participate in and listen to the safety and driving instructions given by the Organiser before the start of the organised ride.
  • The user undertakes to carry out the mandatory test trials of the driver's ability to drive the hired vehicle.
  • The user undertakes to draw up and sign together with the organizer an acceptance protocol at the conclusion of the rental contract, in which to accept the rented vehicle in its current technical condition without remarks. In the event that the user finds faults with the vehicle, he/she is obliged to indicate them in the acceptance report before the start of the tour. In the event that any new defects, damages or defects are found on the rented vehicle, they will be deemed to have occurred during the rental contract.
  • The user is obliged to notify the attendant promptly during the organized ride in case of damage, breakage, encroachment and other problems of the vehicle occurring during the ride.
  • The user is obliged to sign a handover report when returning the rented vehicle to the Organizer's facilities. In case the user refuses to sign it, it shall be signed unilaterally by a representative of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD or its partner and by a witness certifying the refusal. The findings in the report shall also bind the party who refused to sign it and may be used as evidence in court proceedings.
  • The user is obliged to pay the compensation due for any damage or injury caused during the tour. The value of the compensation shall be equal to the costs incurred for the replacement/removal of the damaged parts and their replacement with new ones, together with the equivalent of the labour expended for the removal of the damages and other necessary costs incurred by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. for bringing the vehicle to a roadworthy and roadworthy condition.
  • The user is obliged to listen to the advice of the organizer or his/her designees who conduct the preliminary safety and driving briefing, to listen to the instructions given by the attendant during the ride, to ensure a stable and correct body position during the ride and the driving of the vehicles (ATVs/Buggies/DJVs).
  • The user undertakes to return the vehicle, together with all keys, documents and other things necessary for the operation of the vehicle
  • The user is obliged to ensure the proper management of the vehicle entrusted to him in order to avoid material damage to the organizer /collision, impact with objects, failure to comply with the road surface and terrain relief on the route, as well as damage caused as a result of negligence, action or behavior of users/. 
  • The User undertakes not to sublet the vehicle rented by him/her to another person, except with the express consent of the Organizer for the duration of the contract concluded between them.
  • The User undertakes not to carry out any repairs on his/her own initiative on the rented vehicle during the term of the contract without the express knowledge and consent of the Organizer (Lessor).
  • The User undertakes not to give to another person the control of the rented vehicle, except with the express consent of the Organizer or his authorized person.
  • The user is obliged not to make sudden movements, not to give the accelerator abruptly for the purpose of demonstrative driving, not to attempt drifting/tire spinning on the spot or when entering a turn, not to leave the road followed by the driver/instructor, not drive at an inappropriate speed or in close proximity to other participants or in other ways that create a risk of accidents, and not carry sharp or other objects that may endanger his/her personal health or that of others.
  • The User undertakes to comply with all Bulgarian and European legislation relating to the use of such services.

3.3.6. The user agrees to sign all necessary documents before the start of the organised tour .3.3.7. The user agrees to sign an explicit declaration releasing the organiser from liability in the event of material and physical damage and damage caused personally to the user or to the accompanying minor, which occurred during the tour, in an area outside the vehicle intended for the walk and in areas freely accessible during the walk, when the user was not under the supervision of the organiser or his authorised escort. By the same declaration, the user agrees that the organiser of the walk shall not be held liable in the event of material or physical damage or injury caused to the user or the minor accompanying him/her by force majeure. The User agrees that the Organiser shall not be held liable in the event of force majeure circumstances such as: diseases, epidemics, natural disasters, strikes, acts of war both in the parties subject to this contract and in their neighbouring adjacent countries, threatening the security of both parties, governmental decisions or any other unforeseen or insurmountable event of an extraordinary nature, including unsuitable weather conditions, occurring after the purchase of the voucher and/or the conclusion of the contract, which cannot be avoided by The user declares that he/she is aware of the extreme nature of the service chosen, is informed of the possible risks to his/her life, health and property and accepts them. To this end, he/she signs a declaration given by the Organiser, excluding his/her liability in the event of an accident which is not a direct and immediate consequence and is not the fault of the Organiser, his/her employee and/or the rented vehicle. 3.4. General provisions, rights and obligations of the Organiser (Vehicle Lessor)The Organiser within the meaning of these General Rules is HIL VELIKO TURNOVO EOOD3.4.1. The Organizer has the following rights:

  • The organizer is entitled to receive the rental price/sale price due from the renter/service user by bank transfer in advance or at the latest until the conclusion of the vehicle rental contract.
  • The organizer has the right to obtain all information he needs concerning facts about the renter/service user that may endanger the life and health of the renter/service user personally, other users during the organized ride and/or the organizer's employees, affect the correct perception of the rules and regulations set by the organizer, affect the user's ability to properly operate the vehicle, etc.
  • The organizer has the right not to allow persons to drive the rented vehicle who are visibly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
  • The organizer has the right to terminate the provided service and return the rented vehicle at any time, without notice and at the expense of the user, if the same is not used in accordance with these General Rules and the terms of the rental contract.
  • The organizer has the right not to provide the service if the behavior of the renter/user and/or that of the accompanying persons is unsafe and may affect third parties.
  • The organiser has the right not to provide the user/lessee with the driving of a vehicle unsuitable for him/her and to provide him/her with another vehicle suitable for him/her after the test trials.
  • The organizer has the right to warn users of the possibility of physical injury and property damage due to non-compliance with the safety rules of the management. In the event of the need, at the discretion of the organiser, for a repeat of such a warning, to disqualify them from driving the vehicle
  • In the event of damage to the property of the Organiser, including the vehicle provided to the user, which is caused by the fault of the user or his/her companions, the Organiser shall be entitled to compensation equal to the value of the repaired/replaced/removed part, labour costs associated with the removal of the damage and other necessary costs until the vehicle is fully restored to a roadworthy and serviceable condition.
  • In case of refusal by the user/renter to sign the acceptance report for the return of the rented vehicle, which reflects the current condition of the rented vehicle, the Organizer has the right to have it unilaterally signed by him or his partner, as well as by a witness certifying the refusal. The findings made in the report will also bind the party who refused to sign it and may be used as evidence.
  • The Organizer has the right to take back the vehicle given for temporary use and driving after the end of the period mentioned in the contract or in case of automatic extension - after the end of the ride, in the condition in which it was rented, with all the equipment attached to it and without damage, as well as the equipment given mandatory for the users, which is part of the property of the Organizer.
  • The Organizer has the right to terminate the rental contract and the tour, respectively, in case of non-fulfillment of the contractual obligations by the RENTER / USER, as well as in case of violation of the Organizer's rules or Bulgarian legislation.
  • The organiser is entitled to cooperate with qualified partners and competent persons regarding the maintenance, serviceability, etc. of the vehicle.
  • The organizer has the right to unilaterally designate the competent person or a specialized workshop in case of damage to the rented vehicle that needs to be corrected.

3.4.2 The Organiser shall have the following obligations:

  • The Organizer undertakes to provide for temporary use the rented vehicle, subject to the rental contract signed between the parties, in compliance with the rules established by the Organizer, the provisions of the signed contract, as well as the norms of the Bulgarian legislation.
  • The organiser is obliged to appoint a competent person to accompany the user throughout the walk, who must comply with the agreements between the parties concerning the route, duration of the walk, etc.
  • The organizer is obliged to conduct a detailed and detailed safety briefing for driving of all participants before the start of the walk, to acquaint them with the risks and dangers during the implementation of the future walk.
  • The organizer is obliged to give the user the opportunity to inspect the rented vehicle and to provide him with all the information he needs to assess the suitability and serviceability of the rented vehicle.
  • The organizer undertakes to arrange test drives of the rental machine by the user and to clarify to him all the specifics for the particular vehicle (if any)
  • The organizer undertakes to check in advance whether the prospective tenant meets the described conditions.
  • In case there is a minor who will join the service provided, the organizer is obliged to provide the adult companion with all the necessary information, including the risks and reasons for the extreme nature of the upcoming trip.
  • The organizer undertakes not to accept unaccompanied minors to rent a vehicle or to participate in the organized walk
  • The Organiser is obliged to provide the User with all the documents concerning the payments made by the User, as well as the documents certifying the costs incurred by the Organiser due to the existence of damage/damage caused by the User.
  • The organizer is obliged to provide a competent technician to inspect the vehicle after the end of the ride, to identify any damage/damage to the vehicle, if any, and to describe it in the acceptance report.
  • The organiser undertakes to provide vehicles for hire which are in a condition for their operation, in a form and with equipment suitable for their intended use.
  • The organiser undertakes to maintain a stock of special safety equipment to provide to clients for the walk
  • The organizer is obliged to notify its clients in due time in case of force majeure circumstances for which it is not responsible and the changes that have occurred as a result of their occurrence.
  • The organizer is obliged to provide the user (renter) with all the necessary documents for the management of the vehicle, keys, parts and other necessary for the proper management and use of the vehicle.
  • The organizer is obliged to place signs indicating that the facilities where the rented vehicles are located, as well as the place where they are inspected before and after the organized ride is under video surveillance, and to warn the users (renters) about this.
  • The organizer is obliged to inform the user (renter) about all the specifics of the rented vehicle, as well as its hidden defects, if any, of the rented vehicle.
  • The organizer is obliged to inform the users several times (if necessary) about the extreme nature of the service provided by the organizer, about the possible risks during the ride, as well as to acquaint them with the safety rules of driving and the rules set by the organizer during the ride in order to prevent accidents.
  • The organiser undertakes to maintain constant contact with the designated person accompanying/instructing the walk, and to give him/her the necessary authority to facilitate the process and improve the conditions and experience of the organised walk.
  • The Organizer undertakes to comply with all Bulgarian and European legislation relating to the provision of such services.

3.4.3. The organiser declares that he has informed and clarified in detail the possibility of certain risks to the health of the user, undertakes to personally ensure that the user has read the detailed instructions for safety and safe driving of the vehicle during the walk, that before the start of the organised walk the participants have been given a detailed briefing and provided with the necessary equipment for their safety (helmets, goggles, etc.).


4.1. The provided vehicles shall be rented out with an acceptance and handover protocol in good technical condition, good appearance, with valid civil liability, additionally insured travel insurance for the seats in it, as well as with the mandatory equipment required by the Bulgarian legislation (in cases where the vehicles have a valid registration). For ATVs/BUGs for rent, safety precautions are provided for their use.4.2. Upon completion of the organised tour, the users are obliged to return the provided vehicles with all the documents handed over within the agreed time and place and in the same condition4.3. Upon completion of the organized walk, the users (renters) and the organizer (lessor) shall sign an acceptance and handover protocol, which shall note the current condition of the rented vehicle, as well as any damage or damage that occurred during the walk, if any. The damages and losses described therein shall be the basis for the right to compensation for the damage caused to the organiser.

All vehicles pass through CCTV located around HillVil Veliko Tarnovo Ltd's facilities before being rented, which serves as proof of the external condition of each rented vehicle.

By signing the acceptance protocol, the renter agrees that the rented vehicle is in good technical condition and that there are no remarks to the technical condition of the vehicle. In the event that the hirer has any comments on the technical condition of the vehicle, these shall be described in the acceptance report when the vehicle is hired.


5.1. Failure to return the hired vehicle for more than 3 hours from the time of expiry of the period for which the vehicle was hired, regardless of the reason, shall be deemed to be vehicle hijacking and HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD shall be entitled to notify the police authorities of the hirer's actions. In this case, the user shall pay the rent until the final return of the vehicle at the rate agreed in the rental contract.5.2. HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD reserves the right to terminate the service and reclaim the rented vehicle at any time, without notice and at the expense of the user, if the vehicle is not used in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and the rental contract signed between the parties.5..3. HILL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD shall not be liable for any additional costs incurred by the user and accompanying persons as a result of the termination of the service.5.4. HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. reserves the right not to provide the service if the behaviour of the user and/or accompanying persons is unsafe and affects the safety of third parties. HIL VIL VELEKO TURNOVO Ltd. shall not be liable for any additional costs incurred by the user and accompanying persons as a result of the LESSOR's refusal to provide the service5.5. In case of refusal of the user to sign the acceptance report upon return of the vehicle, it shall be signed unilaterally by a representative of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD or its partner and by a witness certifying the refusal. The findings in the report shall also bind the party refusing to sign it and may be used as evidence in court proceedings. In the event of damage/damage caused by the fault of the user (the hirer) or another participant in the organised ride, the user shall be liable to pay compensation to the Organiser for the property damage caused to the user, which shall be equal to the full value of the damage/damage caused to the vehicle. The determination of the amount of the compensation and the procedure for ascertaining the damage caused during the organised ride shall be carried out in the following procedure, carried out jointly between the Organiser and a competent technical person in the presence of the service user (vehicle hirer):5.6.1. The Organiser is obliged to designate a person responsible for the inventory of damage caused by the vehicle hirer, who is technically competent and represents HillVille Veliko Tarnovo Ltd. or a specialist garage with which HillVille Veliko Tarnovo Ltd. has a contractual relationship for the maintenance of its vehicles, namely Rentmi 2022 Ltd.5.6.2. Upon inspection of the rented vehicle by the competent person, the vehicle return acceptance report shall be completed, detailing any damage/damages found on the vehicle, as well as specifying the parts used for their replacement/removal and the return of the vehicle in a serviceable condition.5.6.3. The value of the overall damage to the vehicle shall be calculated on the basis of - material damage to specific parts of the vehicle, and the relevant manual labour involved in replacing/repairing the relevant damage. The sum representing the total amount of the damage caused will be deemed to be due from the hirer of the vehicle, which will discharge the material damage caused to the Organiser5.6.4. In determining the value of the damaged parts on the vehicle, the value of the relevant part shall be checked with authorised suppliers. If it is not possible to determine the relevant market price of the specific part, the person responsible for the damage inventory shall calculate an average market price of the relevant part, which shall be deemed to be payable by the hirer who caused the relevant damage. 5.6.5. HillVille Veliko Tarnovo EOOD shall be entitled to demand the repayment of the calculated value of the damage caused from the hirer of the vehicle upon signing the acceptance report for the return of the rented vehicle. The method of payment of the claimed compensation shall be determined between the parties at the moment when the obligation has become due - at the signing between the parties of the acceptance protocol for the return of the rented vehicle. The hirer of the vehicle reserves the right to request official proof of all costs incurred in connection with bringing the vehicle in question back to a roadworthy condition, namely: proof of the value of each part replaced on the vehicle, proof of payment of the relevant value for the manual labour involved in the repair of the damage/damage caused to the vehicle. In the event that the final cost of repairing the damage is lower than the cost originally requested by HillVil Veliko Tarnovo Ltd, the latter shall be obliged to refund the difference in the respective value to the Hirer.


6.1. The prices for the service of RENTING A VEHICLE for the use of an additional tourist service are published on the website or are announced respectively by operators of specialized platforms for advertisements for leisure experiences and are valid at the time of the request made by the user. The prices of the VEHICLE RENTAL service for the use of an additional tourist service are for a time period corresponding to the selected service and are indicated in Bulgarian lev, payable in the respective currency or in Euro at the exchange rate of the day of the European Central Bank (ECB).6.3 The content of the price for the VEHICLE RENTAL is described in the selected voucher as well as in the rental contract..4 The full rental price shall be paid by bank transfer to the accounts of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. advertised on the website upon purchase of a voucher or upon conclusion of a rental contract. Exceptionally, payment for the service is also made in cash upon signing a contract.6.5 A voucher can be purchased online for use of the service. 4.6 The vouchers offered by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. contain all the information about the CAR RENTAL service for the use of additional tourist service, including the contact numbers of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd. To use the service, the purchased voucher must be presented on paper or displayed on a mobile device.
6.7 The organised rides and the estimated duration of the vehicle rental specified in the contract signed between the parties are indicative. During the tour itself, in case of delay or for any other reason, the time may be different and the contract shall be deemed terminated at the time of return of the vehicle to the facilities of HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD6.9 The duration may be extended during the organised ride at the hirer's own will, in which case the rental period specified in the rental agreement, as well as the respective rental price, shall be automatically extended until the vehicle is returned to the facilities of HILVILLE Veliko Tarnovo.


For the implementation of the services offered by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd., a vehicle rental contract is concluded. The grounds for its termination are as follows:

  1. On expiry of the period for which the contract was concluded
  2. By mutual agreement between the parties
  3. Without notice from LESSOR in the event of default by LESSEE.
  4. In the event of impossibility to perform the contract for reasons beyond the control of the parties
  5. Without notice from the LESSOR in the event of failure to comply with the established rules of the LESSOR Company for the use of the leased vehicles, which were known to the LESSEE at the time of execution of this Lease



The client, user of the service, agrees that by providing his/her personal data to HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd., he/she is aware of the purpose and means of processing his/her personal data, as well as the voluntary nature of providing the data and the right of access and rectification of the collected data. Personal data may be used by the company for its activities and any lawful purposes. 


The personal data received for processing by the users are used only in connection with the service provided and the relations arising from the same and are stored by HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD. in accordance with the Personal Data Act and Regulation / EU/2019/679.


Any disputes that may arise between a client and HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO LTD will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, they will be referred to the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with Bulgarian law.
Definitions used in these Terms and Conditions

    • "ORGANIZER", "LENDER", "COMPANY", "ORGANIZING COMPANY", "WE" - means "HILL VILLE ВЕЛИКО TURNOVO LTD" is a commercial company registered under the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. The address of the company is. Veliko Tarnovo, ul. "Magistralna" №8, floor 4, UIC: 205040096, Manager.
    • "CONSUMER", "USER", "VEHICLE RENTER", "CONTRACT PARTY", "CUSTOMER" - means the person who has entered into a vehicle rental contract with HIL VIL VELIKO TURNOVO Ltd.
    • "VEHICLE", "MOTOR VEHICLE", "MOTOR VEHICLE" - the subject of the concluded lease contract
    • "SERVICE" - means the provision of a rental vehicle for temporary use and the organisation of an organised ride
    • ONLINE SHOP" - means the virtual shop located at www.hillviewvt.com providing the opportunity to purchase certificates for the provision of services via the Internet.
    • "WALK TIME ATTENDANT" - means the person designated by the Organizer to accompany the renter(s) during the organized walk, to monitor the proper conduct of the walk, to be responsible for the safety and security of the participants during the walk and in compliance with the rules.
    • "PERSONAL DATA" means personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act and European legislation ("PDPA").
    • GENERAL CONDITIONS" - means these general conditions

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Off-road adventures
Team building and corporate events
Ride without off-road included
Packages and additional services
Vehicle rental

choose by VEHICLE

ATV rides for rent
ATV ride
Middle class ATV
Riding an ATV
Higher class ATV
riding a buggy
Buggy middle class
High-end Buggy
Electric motor
Electric 4x4 scooter

choose by duration

30 minutes
40 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
8 hours
24 hours
Subscription for 1 month

choose by degree of adrenaline

No data was found

See "Terms and Conditions" here