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What is paintball?

Paintball or paintball (from English paint and ball - a ball full of coloured paint) is a collective, sporting and tactical game. It uses pneumatic guns, which are called markers. It is shot with spherical, gelatine balls filled with water-soluble paint. The aim of the game is to hit as many opponents as possible. A struck opponent is anyone who has a paint stain on them or has gone outside the boundaries of the playing field.

Most often, pellets are fired from low-energy air guns, and these are powered by compressed air or carbon dioxide. The sport of paintball is defined as extreme, but there are also fans who play it for fun.

Paintball Велико Търново може да се играе на закрити или открити, на изкуствени или естествени терени с различни размери. При сериозна подготовка играта може да продължи дори дни.

Paintball Rules

  1. Wear a protective mask;
  2. Use protective equipment;
  3. Be with all equipment;
  4. Observe the rules of safe play;

A little history

  1. Creator - Bob Guernsey,Hayes Noel, Charles Gaines, Town of Henniker, New Hampshire. They discussed creating a stalking game. And the year was 1981.
  2. First game played - June 27, 1981;
  3. In 1992 was the basis NPPL (National Professional Paintball League – Национална Професионална Пейнтбол Лига) ;
  4. In 1995 paintball fields were opened all over Europe, Asia and South America;

Paintball Велико Търново

And the answer to the main question - can I play paintball in Veliko Tarnovo? If you too want to experience this experience, trust HillView - Veliko Tarnovo. Here you will find more information and the possibility to purchase participation.

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